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Drama Day

As the only school representing Jackson County, the HH Theatre Company has participated in Eastern Michigan University's Drama Day since 2009.  This is an extra opportunity for all students to further their craft.  Students give up a Saturday to attend this all-day event.  They participate in three workshops with students from all around Southeast Michigan.  These workshops vary and have included, Stage Combat, Musical Theatre Dance, Improvisation, Makeup - Old Age and Scars and Bruises, Advanced Acting, Forensics, Beginning Acting, Devised Theatre, Shakespeare, Stage Lighting, Social Media Production and Accents.  After the workshop, students are treated to a production of the current EMU mainstage show.  

This event has made a huge difference in the lives of our theatre students.  Through drama day, decisions have been made to attend EMU and major/minor in theatre!  It also makes a difference in the life of our program.  Through Drama Day at Eastern, students have learned to do things that we cannot teach them at HH, and then they bring this knowledge to further our program - students have done old age makeup, helped create a new Facebook page, taught improv games, and choreographed fight scenes in some of our shows.

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